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Profitable hauls from Quantar SDS 2024-10-06 23:38:53 (Moscow)



Octavius Core

Octavius Great Pillars

Octavius Outpost

Quantar Core

Quantar Corridor

Quantar TriPoint

Solrain Core

Solrain Cornea

Solrain Wake

Quantar SDS to Amananth:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Gold5 886141 30 60930 89336 780RAM (312)
Indium3 3653735222 14922 35425 720CPUs (474)
Silver2 8901589710 79910 89913 790CPUs (474)
Germanium2 17841922510 21910 31412 493RAM (312) CPUs (474)
Copper1 981902712 2192 2394 221Power Converters (0) RAM (312)
Silicon1 0261931641 3191 3312 358RAM (312) Fiber Optics (48) CPUs (474)
*** Equipment ***

Quantar SDS to Hyperial:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Phosphorous2 07649946414 76914 90616 983Chemicals (0) Serializer (500) Nova Mk. I (503)
Lithium1 7731 12 49912 61514 389Chemicals (0) Deepol (500) Serializer (500) Nova Mk. I (503)
Iron1 7094954949799882 698Rush (500) Dream (500) Deepol (500) ScrewDriver (280) Hatchet (451) Morning Star (492)
Carbon1 1614074052 4392 4613 623Chemicals (0) ScrewDriver (280) Hatchet (451) Morning Star (492)
*** Equipment ***

Quantar SDS to Octavius Core:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Copper1 988904972 2192 2394 228Machined Parts (0) Burn (500) Impeler (506) Pusher (501) Propulser (500) Ammunition (0) Guzzler (504)
Iron1 7314955549799882 720Summoner (500) Jar (500) Machined Parts (0) Market Warehouse (25) Refueling Tank (25) Repair Shop (25) Ship Hangar (25) Jug (500) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) Tank (500) BuildKit - 8 (25) Carrier (500) Ore Silo (25) Storage Warehouse (25)
Carbon1 1544073502 4392 4613 616Synthetics (446)
Silicon1 0211937301 3191 3312 353Synthetics (446)
Lithium5012912 49912 61512 666Summoner (500) Jar (500) Jug (500) Tank (500) Carrier (500)
*** Equipment ***

Quantar SDS to Octavius Great Pillars:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Silver2 9641584710 79910 89913 864Sentinel (500) Sentry (500) Cyclops (501) Clarifier (500) RF Transceivers (0) Beholder (500)
Germanium2 18741949410 21910 31412 502SeaBear E (500) Sentinel (500) Sentry (500) Cyclops (501) Clarifier (500) RF Transceivers (0) Beholder (500)
Phosphorous2 05549949714 76914 90616 962Chemicals (0)
Barium2 04211234011 73911 84813 891Explosives (0)
Copper1 99290212 2192 2394 232Machined Parts (0) Burn (500) Impeler (500) Pusher (502) Propulser (500) Ammunition (0) Guzzler (500)
Lithium1 692134312 49912 61514 308Summoner (500) Jar (500) Pint (502) Chemicals (0) Jug (500) Tank (500) Carrier (500)
Iron1 7334953759799882 722Summoner (500) Jar (500) Machined Parts (0) Pint (502) Jug (500) Tank (500) Carrier (500)
Carbon1 1624074942 4392 4613 624Chemicals (0)
Silicon1 0261931321 3191 3312 358Optics (247)
*** Equipment ***

Quantar SDS to Octavius Outpost:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Gold5 70814149530 60930 89336 602Sentinel (499) Sentry (523)
Xenon3 022149719 99920 18423 207FeatherFire (380)
Silver2 85815812710 79910 89913 758Sentinel (499) Sentry (523) Cyclops (500) Clarifier (500) Beholder (501)
Germanium2 05941949810 21910 31412 374SeaBear E (494) Sentinel (499) Sentry (523) Cyclops (500) Clarifier (500) Beholder (501)
Barium1 98411249911 73911 84813 833Explosives (0)
Copper1 935904992 2192 2394 175Burn (504) Impeler (500) Pusher (500) Propulser (501) FeatherFire (380) Burn Mk II (500) Guzzler (504)
Lithium1 701117212 49912 61514 317Summoner (500) Jar (500) Pint (500) Jug (499) Tank (495) Carrier (500)
Iron1 7124954949799882 701Summoner (500) Jar (500) Pint (500) Jug (499) Barrak (141) Tank (495) Carrier (500)
Carbon1 1464075142 4392 4613 608Barrak (141)
*** Equipment ***

Quantar SDS to Quantar Core:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Indium3 3873744022 14922 35425 742Gravitational Components (108)
Xenon2 994144119 99920 18423 179Laser Components (11)
Silver2 91115849410 79910 89913 811Liana (500) Vine (500) Root (499) Ivy (500) Creeper (500)
Germanium2 16441932310 21910 31412 479Liana (500) Vine (500) Root (499) Ivy (500) Creeper (500)
Gallium1 910315 8695 9237 834Laser Components (11) Gravitational Components (108)
Copper1 929905042 2192 2394 169Liana (500) Harvester (499) Mitoria (500) Shepherd (500) Mitoria Plus (504) Cardoia (612) Vine (500) Root (499) Gatherer (500) Caster (508) Ivy (500) Creeper (500)
Iron1 7294955709799882 718Market Warehouse (25) Purgatory (496) Refueling Tank (25) Broker (501) Repair Shop (25) Ship Hangar (25) Financier (500) Calypso (449) Grave Robber (499) Distorter (500) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25) Sirrus (502) Ore Silo (25) Storage Warehouse (25)
Carbon1 1094074962 4392 4613 571Purgatory (496) Broker (501) Financier (500) Calypso (449) Grave Robber (499) Distorter (500) Sirrus (502)
Silicon1 0241934831 3191 3312 356Harvester (499) Gatherer (500) Gravitational Components (108)
*** Equipment ***

Quantar SDS to Quantar Corridor:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Indium3 3613749922 14922 35425 716Gravitational Components (3)
Silver2 9551585010 79910 89913 855Liana (500) Vine (500) Root (503) Ivy (501) Creeper (500) RF Transceivers (0)
Germanium2 1964197210 21910 31412 511Liana (500) Vine (500) Root (503) Ivy (501) Creeper (500) RF Transceivers (0)
Phosphorous2 0954998414 76914 90617 002Chemicals (38) Fuel Cells (27)
Copper1 989902392 2192 2394 229Liana (500) Mitoria (500) Shepherd (506) Power Converters (0) Mitoria Plus (500) Cardoia (506) Vine (500) Root (503) Gatherer (488) Ivy (501) Creeper (500)
Gallium1 9143 5 8695 9237 838Gravitational Components (3) Fuel Cells (27)
Lithium1 710116412 49912 61514 326Chemicals (38) Seed (500)
Iron1 7324954319799882 721Broker (500) Banker (500) Magnetics (0) Composites (0)
Carbon1 163407982 4392 4613 625Broker (500) Chemicals (38) Banker (500) Synthetics (18) Composites (0)
Silicon1 0211932911 3191 3312 353Synthetics (18) Gatherer (488) Gravitational Components (3) Fuel Cells (27)
*** Equipment ***

Quantar SDS to Quantar TriPoint:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Xenon3 012149519 99920 18423 197Spitfire (398) Laser Components (3)
Copper1 984904952 2192 2394 224Liana (500) Spitfire (398) Mitoria (501) Shepherd (497) Mitoria Plus (500) Cardoia (504) Vine (500) Root (500) Gatherer (251) Ivy (501) Creeper (500)
Gallium1 9113165 8695 9237 835Laser Components (3)
Lithium1 748138412 49912 61514 364Spore (480) Keytso (408) Germ (498) Seed (501)
Iron1 7264954959799882 715Purgatory (500) Broker (501) Calypso (306) Grave Robber (671) Distorter (500) Sirrus (500)
Carbon1 1584074992 4392 4613 620Purgatory (500) Broker (501) Calypso (306) Grave Robber (671) Distorter (500) Sirrus (500)
Silicon1 0261934951 3191 3312 358Fiber Optics (0) Gatherer (251) Optics (40)
*** Equipment ***

Quantar SDS to Solrain Core:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Gold5 68914144030 60930 89336 583Electronics (35)
Iridium4 695148714 12914 26018 956Alpaa (305) Mortar (500)
Silver2 96215827810 79910 89913 862Chime (139) Doorbell (586) Hall Monitor (493) Knocker (450)
Germanium2 18541911810 21910 31412 500Chime (139) Doorbell (586) Hall Monitor (493) Knocker (450)
Copper1 99390 2 2192 2394 233Machined Parts (24) Electronics (35)
Iron1 7314953849799882 720Machined Parts (24) Market Warehouse (25) Refueling Tank (25) Repair Shop (25) Ship Hangar (25) Money (500) Travant (502) Respect (502) Travant Plus (500) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) Adventa (500) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25) Ore Silo (25) Storage Warehouse (25)
Silicon1 0251933211 3191 3312 357Electronics (35)
*** Equipment ***

Quantar SDS to Solrain Cornea:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Iridium4 750149814 12914 26019 011Alpaa (49) Mortar (500)
Silver2 93515849810 79910 89913 835Chime (504) Echo (500) Hall Monitor (498) Knocker (488)
Germanium2 17641929710 21910 31412 491Chime (504) Echo (500) Hall Monitor (498) Knocker (488)
Phosphorous2 11049945814 76914 90617 017Chemicals (33)
Copper1 991902222 2192 2394 231Power Converters (0)
Lithium1 73219312 49912 61514 348Prayer (501) Chemicals (33) Mana (458) Lifeline (503) Mantra (500) Utterance (60)
Iron1 73549589799882 724Money (500) Travant (500) Respect (506) Magnetics (399) Travant Plus (500) Adventa (500) Composites (0)
Carbon1 1694074982 4392 4613 631Chemicals (33) Composites (0)
*** Equipment ***

Quantar SDS to Solrain Wake:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Iridium4 731149014 12914 26018 992Alpaa (67) Mortar (254)
Silver2 94115846910 79910 89913 841Chime (493) Echo (500) Hall Monitor (548) Knocker (502) RF Transceivers (2)
Germanium2 19841949210 21910 31412 513Chime (493) Echo (500) Hall Monitor (548) Knocker (502) RF Transceivers (2)
Lithium1 76415512 49912 61514 380Prayer (500) Mana (500) Lifeline (476) Mantra (503) Utterance (2)
Iron1 7324954999799882 721Money (800) Travant (598) Respect (500) Travant Plus (500) Adventa (500) Composites (36)
Carbon1 1664074662 4392 4613 628Composites (36)
Silicon1 0271931571 3191 3312 359Fiber Optics (0)
*** Equipment ***