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Useful hauls from Amananth 2024-10-06 22:02:20 (Moscow)

Don't touch these: Boron, Composites, Copper, Electronics, Erbium, Germanium, Gold, Gravitational Components, Helium, Indium, Laser Components, Machined Parts, Magnetics, Silicon, Silver, Synthetics

Evening's End



Klatsches Hold

Lothar's Landing

Octavius Core

Octavius Great Pillars

Octavius Outpost

Octavius SDS

Quantar Core

Quantar Corridor

Quantar SDS

Quantar TriPoint

Solrain Core

Solrain Cornea

Solrain SDS

Solrain Wake

Amananth to Evening's End:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination

Amananth to GBS:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination

Amananth to Hyperial:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Instigator*181 680 8401 696 4711 714 3785 96810565 490622
CPUs*44244 55044 964Instigator (120)49 6244 65910344 96423 047 TRIP-1 (436) ScrewDriver (280) Morning Star (492)
Uranium 3811 90912 01916 1404 12034212 019285 188446TRIP-1 (436)
RAM*31737 96038 313CPUs (442)42 4064 09210638 31327 88325ScrewDriver (280) Morning Star (492)
Molybdenum 906 7126 7749 2822 5073706 774546 399148ScrewDriver (280) Hatchet (451) Morning Star (492)
Zinc 345 8695 9238 0032 0793515 923592 615124Chemicals (0)
Phosphorous 3614 83214 96916 9832 01313414 96989 829464Chemicals (0)
Iron 69809892 6981 7081 72798917 467 083494ScrewDriver (280) Hatchet (451) Morning Star (492)
Carbon 952 4392 4613 6231 1614712 4611 916 402405Chemicals (0) ScrewDriver (280) Hatchet (451) Morning Star (492)

Amananth to Klatsches Hold:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination

Amananth to Lothar's Landing:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination

Amananth to Octavius Core:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
CPUs*44244 55044 964Instigator (120)49 6284 66310344 96423 067 Sledge (491)
Uranium 3811 90912 01916 2154 19534912 019290 379314Ammunition (0)
RAM*31737 96038 313CPUs (442)42 3174 00310438 31327 277 Hawkeye (498)
Vanadium 6326 22926 47230 1703 69713926 47252 753138Machined Parts (0) Armor (0)
Fiber Optics*4825 31925 55428 4442 88911325 55444 248183Lastlight (498) Defier (388)
Zinc 345 8695 9238 0062 0823515 923593 470 Machined Parts (0) Ammunition (0)
Iron  9809892 7201 7301 74998917 691 952560Machined Parts (0)
Titanium 1353 9123 9485 4871 5383893 948986 944216
Carbon 1412 4392 4613 6161 1544682 4611 904 851359Synthetics (416)

Amananth to Octavius Great Pillars:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
CPUs*35444 55044 964Instigator (120)49 4534 4889944 96422 201146Sledge (394) Stiletto (396)
Uranium 3811 90912 01916 1924 17234712 019288 787240Plutonium (51) Ammunition (0)
RAM*2637 96038 313CPUs (442)42 0793 7659838 31325 655474Stiletto (396) Hawkeye (499)
Vanadium 6326 22926 47230 1063 63313726 47251 840278Machined Parts (0) Flail (485)
Fiber Optics*4825 31925 55428 4162 86111125 55443 819 Deflector (499)
Cobalt 169 5309 61812 1642 5452649 618275 121484Flail (485)
Zinc 345 8695 9238 0062 0823515 923593 47012Machined Parts (0) Chemicals (0) Ammunition (0)
Barium 16011 73911 84813 8912 04217211 848145 522340Explosives (0)
Phosphorous 314 83214 96916 9621 99213314 96988 892497Chemicals (0)
Iron 1259809892 7221 7321 75198917 712 395375Machined Parts (0)
Titanium 1353 9123 9485 4371 4883773 948954 871200Flail (485)
Carbon 62 4392 4613 6241 1624722 4611 918 052494Chemicals (0)

Amananth to Octavius Outpost:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
CPUs*11144 55044 964Instigator (120)49 2614 2969544 96421 251389Sledge (474) Stiletto (312) HellRazor (284)
RAM*5537 96038 313CPUs (442)42 0773 7639838 31325 642445Stiletto (312) HellRazor (284) Hawkeye (490)
Xenon 319 99920 18423 2073 02214920 18474 171497FeatherFire (380)
Cobalt 19 5309 61812 1632 5442649 618275 013499FeatherFire (380) Barrak (141)
Molybdenum 36 7126 7749 2632 4883676 774542 259497Barrak (141)
Barium 111 73911 84813 8331 98416711 848141 390499Explosives (0)
Iron 69809892 7011 7111 73098917 497 747494Jug (499) Barrak (141) Tank (495)
Carbon  2 4392 4613 6081 1464652 4611 891 649520Barrak (141)
Titanium 1353 9123 9483 9722353 94815 149188

Amananth to Octavius SDS:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination

Amananth to Quantar Core:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Cesium 447 70248 14552 7444 5989548 14519 837496Gravitational Components (106)
CPUs*26944 55044 964Instigator (120)49 5484 58310144 96422 671231Rake (499) Purgatory (496) Grave Robber (499)
Xenon 4019 99920 18423 1792 99414820 18473 484440Laser Components (11)
Fiber Optics*4825 31925 55428 4162 86111125 55443 819 Pod (496)
Zinc 345 8695 9237 9352 0113395 923573 236230Root (499)
Gallium 905 8695 9237 8341 9103225 923544 452 Laser Components (11) Gravitational Components (106)
Iron  9809892 7181 7281 74798917 671 509562Purgatory (496) Calypso (449) Grave Robber (499)
Titanium 1353 9123 9485 4841 5353883 948985 020126Rake (499)
Carbon 42 4392 4613 5711 1094502 4611 830 592496Purgatory (496) Calypso (449) Grave Robber (499)

Amananth to Quantar Corridor:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Cesium 1647 70248 14552 8874 7419848 14520 454440Gravitational Components (3)
CPUs*21744 55044 964Instigator (120)49 5014 53610044 96422 438283DeepRadar (499) Reaper (499)
RAM*31737 96038 313CPUs (442)42 3224 00810438 31327 31168Witness (496) Oracle (499)
Fiber Optics*4825 31925 55428 4222 86711225 55443 911 ML Amplifier (495)
Cobalt 3559 5309 61812 2002 5812689 618279 012119Magnetics (0) Fuel Cells (27)
Molybdenum 906 7126 7749 2742 4993686 774544 65631Composites (0)
Zinc 345 8695 9237 9952 0713495 923590 33581Chemicals (38)
Phosphorous 22614 83214 96917 0022 03213514 96990 67684Chemicals (38) Fuel Cells (27)
Gallium 905 8695 9237 8381 9143235 923545 592 Gravitational Components (3) Fuel Cells (27)
Iron 699809892 7211 7311 75098917 702 173431Magnetics (0) Composites (0)
Titanium 1353 9123 9485 4951 5463913 948992 075145DeepRadar (499) Reaper (499) Composites (0)
Carbon 4022 4392 4613 6251 1634722 4611 919 70298Chemicals (38) Synthetics (18) Composites (0)

Amananth to Quantar SDS:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination

Amananth to Quantar TriPoint:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
CPUs*39844 55044 964Instigator (120)49 5904 62510244 96422 879102Reaper (347)
RAM*31737 96038 313CPUs (442)42 3814 06710638 31327 713 Witness (495)
Vanadium 6326 22926 47230 0593 58613526 47251 16987Hitman (235)
Xenon 519 99920 18423 1973 01214920 18473 926495Spitfire (398) Laser Components (3)
Molybdenum 26 7126 7749 2362 4613636 774536 375498Spitfire (398)
Gallium 905 8695 9237 8351 9113225 923544 73716Laser Components (3)
Iron 59809892 7151 7251 74498917 640 845495Calypso (306)
Titanium 1353 9123 9485 4881 5393893 948987 58558Hitman (235) Reaper (347)
Carbon 12 4392 4613 6201 1584702 4611 911 451499Calypso (306)

Amananth to Solrain Core:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Iridium 1314 13214 26318 9564 69232814 263230 655487Alpaa (305)
CPUs*22444 55044 964Instigator (120)49 5084 54310144 96422 473276
Uranium 3811 90912 01916 1554 13534412 019286 226338Sport (499) Contender XL (499) Contender (494)
Vanadium 6326 22926 47230 0243 55113426 47250 670231Excavator (479) Machined Parts (24)
Fiber Optics*4825 31925 55428 4432 88811325 55444 23274Alpaa (305)
Zinc 345 8695 9238 0052 0813515 923593 18579Machined Parts (24)
Iron 1169809892 7201 7301 74998917 691 952384Machined Parts (24)
Titanium 1353 9123 9485 4921 5433903 948990 151168Excavator (479) Cutlass (337)

Amananth to Solrain Cornea:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Whistle*51 007 2101 016 5771 027 23110 653101 016 5771035
Iridium 214 13214 26319 0114 74733214 263233 358498Alpaa (49)
Uranium 3811 90912 01916 1734 15334512 019287 472152Contender XL (432) Contender (274) Sport Plus (482)
RAM*31737 96038 313CPUs (442)42 3824 06810638 31327 719 Optima (495)
Fiber Optics*4825 31925 55428 4842 92911425 55444 860 Cascade (499) Alpaa (49)
Cobalt 3559 5309 61812 2522 6332739 618284 633 Magnetics (399)
Molybdenum 906 7126 7749 2812 5063706 774546 181396Composites (0)
Zinc 345 8695 9238 0032 0793515 923592 6151Chemicals (33)
Phosphorous 4214 83214 96917 0172 04713614 96991 346458Chemicals (33)
Iron 2259809892 7241 7341 75398917 732 8378Magnetics (399) Composites (0)
Titanium 1353 9123 9485 4981 5493923 948994 000 Long Sword (497) Spear (494) Composites (0) Cutlass (276) Rapier (476) Kataka (496)
Carbon 22 4392 4613 6311 1694752 4611 929 604498Chemicals (33) Composites (0)

Amananth to Solrain SDS:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Instigator*91 680 8401 696 4711 713 9785 83510565 4906011

Amananth to Solrain Wake:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Iridium 1014 13214 26318 9924 72833114 263232 424490Alpaa (67) Mortar (254)
Uranium 3811 90912 01916 2034 18334812 019289 549322Sport LP (0) Sport (82) Contender XPR (4) Sport Plus (0)
RAM*31737 96038 313CPUs (442)42 3434 02910538 31327 45423Optima (491)
Molybdenum 56 7126 7749 3032 5283736 774550 975495Composites (36)
Iron 19809892 7211 7311 75098917 702 173499Composites (36)
Titanium 1353 9123 9485 5051 5563943 948998 49085Long Sword (474) Landlord (496) Spear (497) Deceptor (498) Composites (36) Cutlass (169) Rapier (348) Kataka (460)
Carbon 342 4392 4613 6281 1664732 4611 924 653466Composites (36)