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Useful hauls from Evening's End 2024-10-06 22:02:20 (Moscow)

Don't touch these:



Octavius Core

Octavius Great Pillars

Octavius Outpost

Quantar Core

Quantar Corridor

Quantar TriPoint

Solrain Core

Solrain Cornea

Solrain Wake

Evening's End to Amananth:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Erbium  26 57926 82630 7003 87314426 82653 829528Instigator (120)
Indium 3222 14922 35425 7203 36515022 35467 334359CPUs (442)
Germanium 8210 21910 31412 4932 17821110 314204 829237RAM (317) CPUs (442)
Silicon 1651 3191 3312 3581 0267711 3315 793 319180RAM (317) Fiber Optics (48) CPUs (442)

Evening's End to Hyperial:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Phosphorous 3614 76914 90616 9832 07613914 90693 458464Chemicals (0)
Iron 69799882 6981 7091 73098817 513 122494ScrewDriver (280) Hatchet (451) Morning Star (492)
Carbon 952 4392 4613 6231 1614712 4611 916 402405Chemicals (0) ScrewDriver (280) Hatchet (451) Morning Star (492)

Evening's End to Octavius Core:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Iron  9799882 7201 7311 75298817 738 451560Machined Parts (0)
Carbon 1412 4392 4613 6161 1544682 4611 904 851359Synthetics (416)
Silicon  1 3191 3312 3531 0217671 3315 765 107743Synthetics (416)

Evening's End to Octavius Great Pillars:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Erbium 626 57926 82630 7223 89514526 82654 135494Optics (247)
Germanium 610 21910 31412 5022 18721210 314205 675494RF Transceivers (0)
Phosphorous 314 76914 90616 9622 05513714 90692 513497Chemicals (0)
Iron 959799882 7221 7331 75498817 758 935375Machined Parts (0)
Carbon 62 4392 4613 6241 1624722 4611 918 052494Chemicals (0)
Silicon 1651 3191 3312 3581 0267711 3315 793 319132Optics (247)

Evening's End to Octavius Outpost:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Germanium 210 21910 31412 3742 05919910 314193 643498SeaBear E (494) Sentinel (499)
Iron 69799882 7011 7121 73398817 543 849494Jug (499) Barrak (141) Tank (495)
Carbon  2 4392 4613 6081 1464652 4611 891 649520Barrak (141)

Evening's End to Quantar Core:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Indium 3222 14922 35425 7423 38715122 35467 774440Gravitational Components (106)
Germanium 8210 21910 31412 4792 16420910 314203 513323Root (499)
Iron  9799882 7181 7291 75098817 717 967562Purgatory (496) Calypso (449) Grave Robber (499)
Carbon 42 4392 4613 5711 1094502 4611 830 592496Purgatory (496) Calypso (449) Grave Robber (499)
Silicon 231 3191 3312 3561 0247691 3315 782 034477Harvester (499) Gravitational Components (106)

Evening's End to Quantar Corridor:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Indium 122 14922 35425 7163 36115022 35467 254499Gravitational Components (3)
Germanium 8210 21910 31412 5112 19621310 314206 52172RF Transceivers (0)
Phosphorous 5714 76914 90617 0022 09514014 90694 31384Chemicals (38) Fuel Cells (27)
Iron 699799882 7211 7321 75398817 748 693431Magnetics (0) Composites (0)
Carbon 1652 4392 4613 6251 1634722 4611 919 70298Chemicals (38) Synthetics (18) Composites (0)
Silicon 1651 3191 3312 3531 0217671 3315 765 107291Synthetics (18) Gatherer (488) Gravitational Components (3) Fuel Cells (27)

Evening's End to Quantar TriPoint:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Erbium 726 57926 82630 8103 98314826 82655 358493Optics (40)
Iron 59799882 7151 7261 74798817 687 240495Calypso (306)
Carbon 12 4392 4613 6201 1584702 4611 911 451499Calypso (306)
Silicon 51 3191 3312 3581 0267711 3315 793 319495Fiber Optics (0) Gatherer (251) Optics (40)

Evening's End to Solrain Core:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Germanium 8210 21910 31412 5002 18521110 314205 487118Chime (139) Hall Monitor (493) Knocker (450)
Iron 959799882 7201 7311 75298817 738 451384Machined Parts (24)
Silicon 1651 3191 3312 3571 0257701 3315 787 677321Electronics (35)

Evening's End to Solrain Cornea:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Germanium 8210 21910 31412 4912 17621110 314204 641297Hall Monitor (498) Knocker (488)
Phosphorous 4214 76914 90617 0172 11014114 90694 988458Chemicals (33)
Iron 959799882 7241 7351 75698817 779 4208Magnetics (399) Composites (0)
Carbon 22 4392 4613 6311 1694752 4611 929 604498Chemicals (33) Composites (0)

Evening's End to Solrain Wake:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Germanium 810 21910 31412 5132 19821310 314206 709492Chime (493) RF Transceivers (2)
Iron 19799882 7211 7321 75398817 748 693499Composites (36)
Carbon 342 4392 4613 6281 1664732 4611 924 653466Composites (36)
Silicon 1651 3191 3312 3591 0277711 3315 798 962157Fiber Optics (0)