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Useful hauls from Hyperial 2024-10-06 23:32:50 (Moscow)

Don't touch these: CPUs, Carbon, Composites, Electronics, Explosives, Fuel Cells, Iron, Lithium, Machined Parts, Molybdenum, Nitrogen, Optics, Phosphorous, Power Converters, RAM, RF Transceivers, Synthetics, Uranium, Water, Zinc


Evening's End


Klatsches Hold

Lothar's Landing

Octavius Core

Octavius Great Pillars

Octavius Outpost

Octavius SDS

Quantar Core

Quantar Corridor

Quantar SDS

Quantar TriPoint

Solrain Core

Solrain Cornea

Solrain SDS

Solrain Wake

Hyperial to Amananth:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Gold 1930 60930 89336 7805 88619030 89361 674 RAM (313)
Erbium  26 57926 82630 7003 87314426 82653 829522Instigator (120)
Indium 14822 14922 35425 7203 36515022 35467 334352CPUs (472)
TRIC-1*4840 340848 155857 0002 94810282 7181226
Germanium 16410 23210 32712 4932 16520910 327203 079225RAM (313) CPUs (472)
Warden*7995 0401 004 2931 014 8332 10710200 8581043
Rush*10520 140524 977530 5071 38210131 244200 
Silicon 21 3191 3312 3581 0267711 3315 793 319165RAM (313) Fiber Optics (48) CPUs (472)
Grain*5002 5092 532Manufactured Foods (0)3 3498163222 5321 273 511 
InSight*1816 37016 52216 6921691016 5226 2182
Morning Star*2096 27097 16598 1521641016 1941 045 
ScrewDriver*3227 17027 42227 684130913 7113 47468

Hyperial to Evening's End:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Grain*5002 5092 532Manufactured Foods (0)3 4098763462 5321 367 075 
Textiles*2003 0003 0273 299271893 027295 696 

Hyperial to GBS:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Grain*5002 5092 532Manufactured Foods (0)3 4078743452 5321 363 956 
Textiles*2003 0003 0273 299271893 027295 696 

Hyperial to Klatsches Hold:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Grain*5002 5092 532Manufactured Foods (0)3 4098763462 5321 367 075 
Textiles*2003 0003 0273 299271893 027295 696 

Hyperial to Lothar's Landing:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Rush*10520 140524 977530 5221 38610131 244201 
Grain*5002 5092 532Manufactured Foods (0)3 4529193632 5321 434 129 
Textiles*2003 0003 0273 299271893 027295 696 

Hyperial to Octavius Core:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Serializer*2975 920984 996995 2635 13310492 4981058
TRIP-1*102 066 3602 085 5772 107 5864 40110417 11550 
Vanadium 1726 22926 47230 1703 69713926 47252 753138Machined Parts (0) Armor (0)
Fiber Optics 525 31925 55428 4442 88911325 55444 248183Lastlight (498) Defier (388)
Chromium 79 3999 48611 8962 4092549 486267 755 Machined Parts (0) Armor (0)
Silicon  1 3191 3312 3531 0217671 3315 765 107730Synthetics (444)
Grain*2082 5092 532Manufactured Foods (0)3 4719383702 5321 463 758292Octavia Light (481)
Textiles*2003 0003 0273 299271893 027295 696 

Hyperial to Octavius Great Pillars:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Nova Mk. I*12 493 0502 516 2352 542 4598 74110838 745419
TRIP-1*52 066 3602 085 5772 107 4254 36910417 115505
Erbium 626 57926 82630 7223 89514526 82654 135494Optics (247)
Vanadium 1726 22926 47230 1063 63313726 47251 840278Machined Parts (0) Flail (485)
Fiber Optics 525 31925 55428 4162 86111125 55443 819 Deflector (499)
Cobalt 169 5429 63012 1642 5332639 630273 124484Flail (485)
Chromium 79 3999 48611 8862 3992529 486266 644 Machined Parts (0) Flail (485)
Germanium 610 23210 32712 5022 17421010 327203 922494RF Transceivers (0)
Silicon 21 3191 3312 3581 0267711 3315 793 319132Optics (247)
Textiles*2003 0003 0273 299271893 027295 696 
ScrewDriver*1227 17027 42227 686131913 7113 50138

Hyperial to Octavius Outpost:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Gold 530 60930 89336 6025 70818430 89359 809495Sentinel (499)
TRIP-1*102 066 3602 085 5772 107 5624 39610417 11550 
Deepol*21 207 3601 218 5881 230 9914 13410406 1968318
TRIC-1*2840 340848 155857 0102 95110282 7181238
Cobalt 19 5429 63012 1632 5322629 630273 016499FeatherFire (380) Barrak (141)
Germanium 210 23210 32712 3742 04619810 327191 921498SeaBear E (494) Sentinel (499)
Grain*5002 5092 532Manufactured Foods (0)3 3498163222 5321 273 511 
V.A.P.O.R.*6216 950218 967221 2587631072 9894774
Textiles*2003 0003 0273 299271893 027295 696 
InSight*1216 37016 52216 6921691016 5226 2188
Morning Star*296 27097 16598 1521641016 1941 04518
Night Watchman*870 79071 44872 1851471014 2891 4432

Hyperial to Octavius SDS:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Grain*5002 5092 532Manufactured Foods (0)3 3498163222 5321 273 511 
Textiles*2003 0003 0273 299271893 027295 696 
InSight*816 37016 52216 6911681016 5226 18212
ScrewDriver*2327 17027 42227 692134913 7113 58127

Hyperial to Quantar Core:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Cesium  47 63948 08252 7444 6619648 08220 165514Gravitational Components (107)
Indium 6022 14922 35425 7423 38715122 35467 774440Gravitational Components (107)
Fiber Optics 525 31925 55428 4162 86111125 55443 819 Pod (496)
Germanium 16410 23210 32712 4792 15120810 327201 766323Root (499)
Silicon 21 3191 3312 3561 0247691 3315 782 034483Harvester (499) Gravitational Components (107)
Textiles*2003 0003 0273 299271893 027295 696 
InSight*1516 37016 52216 6941711016 5226 2915
Morning Star*1796 27097 16598 1641661016 1941 0573
ScrewDriver*4427 17027 42227 7061411013 7113 7676

Hyperial to Quantar Corridor:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Cesium 1547 63948 08252 8874 8049948 08220 783440Gravitational Components (3)
Indium 122 14922 35425 7163 36115022 35467 254499Gravitational Components (3)
Fiber Optics 525 31925 55428 4222 86711225 55443 911 ML Amplifier (495)
Cobalt 469 5429 63012 2002 5692669 630277 005119Magnetics (0) Fuel Cells (27)
Germanium 16410 23210 32712 5112 18321110 327204 76672RF Transceivers (0)
Rush*20520 140524 977530 4961 37910131 244200 
Silicon 21 3191 3312 3531 0217671 3315 765 107291Synthetics (18) Gatherer (488) Gravitational Components (3) Fuel Cells (27)
Grain*5002 5092 532Manufactured Foods (0)3 3498163222 5321 273 511 
Textiles*2003 0003 0273 299271893 027295 696 
InSight*1716 37016 52216 6951721016 5226 3283
Helium 2215 66715 81215 641- 171-1015 812-6 8661DeepRadar (499) Reaper (499)

Hyperial to Quantar SDS:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Serializer*6975 920984 996995 3195 16110492 4981064
Deepol*101 207 3601 218 5881 231 2194 21010406 1968510
TRIC-1*2840 340848 155857 0032 94910282 7181228
Grain*5002 5092 532Manufactured Foods (0)3 3498163222 5321 273 511 
Textiles*2003 0003 0273 299271893 027295 696 
Morning Star*996 27097 16598 1621661016 1941 05511

Hyperial to Quantar TriPoint:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Erbium 726 57926 82630 8103 98314826 82655 358493Optics (40)
Vanadium 1726 22926 47230 0593 58613526 47251 16987Hitman (235)
Silicon 21 3191 3312 3581 0267711 3315 793 319495Fiber Optics (0) Gatherer (251) Optics (40)
Grain*5002 5092 532Manufactured Foods (0)3 3498163222 5321 273 511 
Textiles*2003 0003 0273 299271893 027295 696 
Morning Star*1096 27097 16598 1641661016 1941 05710
ScrewDriver*3027 17027 42227 6981371013 7113 66120

Hyperial to Solrain Core:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Gold 1930 60930 89336 5835 68918430 89359 610440Electronics (35)
Vanadium 1726 22926 47230 0243 55113426 47250 670231Excavator (479) Machined Parts (24)
Fiber Optics 525 31925 55428 4432 88811325 55444 23274Alpaa (305)
Chromium 79 3999 48611 8802 3932529 486265 978 Machined Parts (24)
Germanium 16410 23210 32712 5002 17221010 327203 735118Chime (139) Hall Monitor (493) Knocker (450)
Vector*21 210 6801 221 9391 234 4642 08710203 6568318
Silicon 21 3191 3312 3571 0257701 3315 787 677321Electronics (35)
Textiles*2003 0003 0273 299271893 027295 696 

Hyperial to Solrain Cornea:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Fiber Optics 525 31925 55428 4842 92911425 55444 860 Cascade (499) Alpaa (49)
Cobalt 469 5429 63012 2522 6212729 630282 612 Magnetics (399)
Germanium 16410 23210 32712 4912 16320910 327202 891297Hall Monitor (498) Knocker (488)
Grain*5002 5092 532Manufactured Foods (0)3 4739403712 5321 466 877 Solrain Stout (324)
Textiles*2003 0003 0273 299271893 027295 696 
Morning Star*196 27097 16598 1491631016 1941 04119

Hyperial to Solrain SDS:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
Grain*5002 5092 532Manufactured Foods (0)3 3498163222 5321 273 511 
Textiles*2003 0003 0273 299271893 027295 696 

Hyperial to Solrain Wake:

ItemProd#Price without taxPrice
inc. tax
Makes locallySell price
at dest
Est. profit
per slot
Profit %%
(per 1000)
Cost per slotCredit efficiency#
at dest
Can make at destination
TRIC-1*1840 340848 155856 9742 93910282 7181229
Chromium 79 3999 48611 8382 3512479 486261 310 Landlord (496)
Germanium 810 23210 32712 5132 18521110 327204 954492Chime (493) RF Transceivers (2)
Warden*7995 0401 004 2931 014 8542 11210200 8581043
Silicon 21 3191 3312 3591 0277711 3315 798 962157Fiber Optics (0)
Grain*5002 5092 532Manufactured Foods (0)3 4739403712 5321 466 877 Manufactured Foods (0)
Textiles*2003 0003 0273 299271893 027295 696 
Morning Star*396 27097 16598 1531641016 1941 04617