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Profitable hauls from Quantar Core 2024-10-06 22:38:35 (Moscow)


Evening's End



Klatsches Hold

Lothar's Landing

Octavius Core

Octavius Great Pillars

Octavius Outpost

Octavius SDS

Quantar Corridor

Quantar SDS

Quantar TriPoint

Solrain Core

Solrain Cornea

Solrain SDS

Solrain Wake

Quantar Core to Amananth:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Gravitational Components6 3161064959 86260 41866 735Mitoria (500) Shepherd (500) Mitoria Plus (504) Financier (500) Cardoia (612) Caster (508) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25)Whistle (499)
Gold5 88627 30 60930 89336 780RAM (315)
Laser Components3 9341127137 36037 70741 642Rake (499) Broker (501) Collector (500) Shard (500) Bender (502) Thorn (500) Financier (500) Vine (500) Reaper (500) Warper (500) Distorter (500) Needle (500)Instigator (120)
Erbium3 8729952826 58026 82730 700Instigator (120)
Organic Foods975703 5 0135 0596 035
Grain825400 2 5002 5233 349Quanus Ice (497)
Copper135042714 1694 2074 221Liana (500) Harvester (499) Mitoria (500) Shepherd (500) Mitoria Plus (504) Cardoia (612) Vine (500) Root (499) Gatherer (500) Caster (508) Ivy (500) Creeper (500)Power Converters (0) RAM (315)
*** Equipment ***
Collector1 34050016387 280390 881394 903
Haven1 067501184314 440317 364319 499
Reaper1 22150044497 060501 682506 567
Harvester87849910167 230168 785170 542
Shard618500178347 750350 984353 459
Thorn60450020116 830117 916119 126
Shepherd59150028175 390177 021178 796
Cardoia5326124554 63055 13855 671
Warper4375002585 61086 40687 281
Caster3885082075 31076 01076 787
Financier36250029109 000110 013111 101
Distorter283500927 23027 48327 767
Needle2515002824 72024 94925 201
Liana2195001021 04021 23521 455
Rake2104991039 97040 34140 762
Ivy1935001073 80074 48675 260
Mitoria Plus1695042216 47016 62316 793
Gatherer1565001014 88015 01815 175
Creeper1535001043 86044 26744 727
Sirrus1225024324 29024 51524 761
Pod1214961111 56011 66711 789
Grave Robber1114997223 76023 98024 204
Vine1135001021 62021 82122 048
Seed1085001410 32010 41510 524
BCU-QUAN98491389 95010 04210 141
Mitoria98500159 4109 4979 596
Purgatory924963219 30019 47919 664
Oracle95500 9 0309 1139 209
Bender82502127 8107 8827 965
Root7749997 4307 4997 577
Calypso69449336 9907 0557 125
Broker645011012 48012 59612 726
Witness56500135 5005 5515 608

Quantar Core to Evening's End:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Organic Foods1 035703 5 0135 0596 095
Grain885400 2 5002 5233 409Quanus Ice (497)
*** Equipment ***
Haven1 50050157314 440317 364320 366
Collector1 380500 387 280390 881395 024
Reaper1 3275001497 060501 682506 992
Shard9195005347 750350 984354 664
Harvester8934991167 230168 785170 572
Thorn60750014116 830117 916119 132
Shepherd55950054175 390177 021178 699
Cardoia582612 54 63055 13855 721
Warper457500 85 61086 40687 321
Caster402508 75 31076 01076 815
Financier38050012109 000110 013111 156
Distorter289500 27 23027 48327 773
Needle263500 24 72024 94925 213
Liana2195001521 04021 23521 455
Rake213499 39 97040 34140 768
Ivy197500173 80074 48675 275
Mitoria Plus1705041816 47016 62316 794
Gatherer157500 14 88015 01815 176
Creeper1525001543 86044 26744 725
Sirrus1245021024 29024 51524 764
Grave Robber125499123 76023 98024 231
Pod122496 11 56011 66711 790
Vine114500 21 62021 82122 051
Seed109500 10 32010 41510 525
BCU-QUAN102491159 95010 04210 145
Mitoria99500 9 4109 4979 597
Purgatory904964419 30019 47919 660
Oracle9550039 0309 1139 209
Bender82502 7 8107 8827 965
Root77499 7 4307 4997 577
Calypso72449 6 9907 0557 128
Broker65501 12 48012 59612 728
Witness57500145 5005 5515 609

Quantar Core to GBS:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Organic Foods1 033703 5 0135 0596 093
Grain883400 2 5002 5233 407Quanus Ice (497)
*** Equipment ***
Haven1 46650167314 440317 364320 298
Collector1 378500 387 280390 881395 017
Reaper1 19750054497 060501 682506 474
Shard89550020347 750350 984354 566
Harvester893499 167 230168 785170 573
Thorn54450070116 830117 916119 006
Shepherd53050081175 390177 021178 612
Cardoia5556122654 63055 13855 694
Warper457500 85 61086 40687 321
Caster401508275 31076 01076 813
Financier32850082109 000110 013110 998
Distorter2655004927 23027 48327 749
Needle263500224 72024 94925 213
Liana2125003921 04021 23521 448
Rake213499 39 97040 34140 768
Ivy197500 73 80074 48675 275
Mitoria Plus174504 16 47016 62316 798
Gatherer157500 14 88015 01815 176
Creeper156500243 86044 26744 736
Pod122496 11 56011 66711 790
Grave Robber1154994223 76023 98024 211
Vine114500 21 62021 82122 051
Seed1045002510 32010 41510 520
BCU-QUAN102491219 95010 04210 145
Sirrus8150221124 29024 51524 679
Mitoria99500 9 4109 4979 597
Purgatory834969919 30019 47919 646
Oracle86500559 0309 1139 200
Bender8250227 8107 8827 965
Root7749927 4307 4997 577
Calypso72449 6 9907 0557 128
Broker65501 12 48012 59612 728
Witness54500405 5005 5515 606

Quantar Core to Hyperial:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Uranium4 1197044611 91012 02016 140TRIP-1 (436) Serializer (500) Nova Mk. I (503)
Molybdenum2 509231486 7106 7729 282Jammer (500) ScrewDriver (280) Hatchet (451) Morning Star (492)
Phosphorous2 076446414 76914 90616 983Chemicals (0) Serializer (500) Nova Mk. I (503)
Organic Foods1 039703 5 0135 0596 099
Carbon184964053 5713 6043 623Purgatory (496) Broker (501) Financier (500) Calypso (449) Grave Robber (499) Distorter (500) Sirrus (502)Chemicals (0) ScrewDriver (280) Hatchet (451) Morning Star (492)
*** Equipment ***
Haven1 681501 314 440317 364320 727
Collector1 380500 387 280390 881395 023
Reaper1 324500 497 060501 682506 979
Shard925500 347 750350 984354 687
Harvester893499 167 230168 785170 573
Shepherd624500 175 390177 021178 896
Thorn621500 116 830117 916119 159
Cardoia582612 54 63055 13855 721
Warper457500 85 61086 40687 321
Caster402508 75 31076 01076 815
Financier386500 109 000110 013111 173
Distorter289500 27 23027 48327 773
Needle263500 24 72024 94925 213
Liana223500 21 04021 23521 459
Rake213499 39 97040 34140 768
Ivy197500 73 80074 48675 275
Mitoria Plus174504 16 47016 62316 798
Gatherer157500 14 88015 01815 176
Creeper156500 43 86044 26744 736
Sirrus129502 24 29024 51524 774
Grave Robber126499 23 76023 98024 234
Pod122496 11 56011 66711 790
Vine114500 21 62021 82122 051
Seed109500 10 32010 41510 525
BCU-QUAN105491 9 95010 04210 148
Purgatory102496 19 30019 47919 685
Mitoria99500 9 4109 4979 597
Oracle9550019 0309 1139 209
Bender82502 7 8107 8827 965
Root77499 7 4307 4997 577
Calypso72449 6 9907 0557 128
Broker65501112 48012 59612 728
Witness57500 5 5005 5515 609

Quantar Core to Klatsches Hold:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Organic Foods1 035703 5 0135 0596 095
Grain885400 2 5002 5233 409Quanus Ice (497)
*** Equipment ***
Haven1 37950195314 440317 364320 123
Collector1 35250012387 280390 881394 940
Reaper1 3055009497 060501 682506 904
Shard9145008347 750350 984354 641
Harvester87849910167 230168 785170 542
Shepherd6145008175 390177 021178 865
Cardoia578612654 63055 13855 717
Thorn54050071116 830117 916118 997
Warper457500 85 61086 40687 321
Caster402508 75 31076 01076 815
Financier3825008109 000110 013111 161
Distorter287500727 23027 48327 771
Needle263500124 72024 94925 213
Liana223500 21 04021 23521 459
Rake213499 39 97040 34140 768
Ivy197500173 80074 48675 275
Mitoria Plus174504 16 47016 62316 798
Gatherer157500214 88015 01815 176
Creeper156500143 86044 26744 736
Grave Robber124499 23 76023 98024 230
Sirrus1195023524 29024 51524 754
Pod122496 11 56011 66711 790
Vine1115002021 62021 82122 044
Seed1055001710 32010 41510 521
BCU-QUAN10449129 95010 04210 147
Mitoria99500 9 4109 4979 597
Oracle95500 9 0309 1139 209
Bender82502 7 8107 8827 965
Purgatory6049618819 30019 47919 600
Root77499 7 4307 4997 577
Calypso68449316 9907 0557 124
Broker65501412 48012 59612 728
Witness5650015 5005 5515 608

Quantar Core to Lothar's Landing:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Organic Foods1 078703 5 0135 0596 138
Grain928400 2 5002 5233 452Quanus Ice (497)
*** Equipment ***
Haven1 681501 314 440317 364320 727
Collector1 380500 387 280390 881395 024
Reaper1 3175005497 060501 682506 952
Shard9215006347 750350 984354 669
Harvester893499 167 230168 785170 573
Shepherd624500 175 390177 021178 896
Thorn6195006116 830117 916119 156
Cardoia582612 54 63055 13855 721
Warper453500585 61086 40687 314
Caster402508 75 31076 01076 815
Financier3875002109 000110 013111 177
Distorter289500 27 23027 48327 773
Needle263500224 72024 94925 213
Liana223500 21 04021 23521 459
Rake213499 39 97040 34140 768
Ivy197500 73 80074 48675 275
Mitoria Plus174504 16 47016 62316 798
Gatherer157500 14 88015 01815 176
Creeper156500 43 86044 26744 736
Sirrus129502 24 29024 51524 774
Grave Robber126499 23 76023 98024 234
Pod122496111 56011 66711 790
Vine114500 21 62021 82122 051
Seed109500 10 32010 41510 525
Purgatory102496 19 30019 47919 684
Mitoria9950019 4109 4979 597
Oracle9550069 0309 1139 209
Bender82502 7 8107 8827 965
Root77499 7 4307 4997 577
Calypso72449 6 9907 0557 128
Broker65501 12 48012 59612 728
BCU-QUAN264914079 95010 04210 069
Witness57500155 5005 5515 609

Quantar Core to Octavius Core:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Gravitational Components6 14810614059 86260 41866 567Mitoria (500) Shepherd (500) Mitoria Plus (504) Financier (500) Cardoia (612) Caster (508) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25)Burn (500) Impeler (506) Pusher (501) Propulser (500) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25) Guzzler (504)
Laser Components4 06011 37 36037 70741 768Rake (499) Broker (501) Collector (500) Shard (500) Bender (502) Thorn (500) Financier (500) Vine (500) Reaper (500) Warper (500) Distorter (500) Needle (500)Illuminator (496) Lastlight (498) Calefactor (500) Injustice (502)
Uranium4 1947031411 91012 02016 215Ammunition (0)
Magnesium3 6351135333 34333 65337 289Seed (500)Summoner (500) Jar (500) Synthetics (428) Jug (500) Tank (500) Carrier (500)
Vanadium3 6961513826 23026 47330 170Machined Parts (0) Armor (0)
Chromium2 3959 9 4139 50011 896Shard (500)Machined Parts (0) Armor (0)
Grain9474002982 5002 5233 471Quanus Ice (497)Octavia Light (481)
Copper205044974 1694 2074 228Liana (500) Harvester (499) Mitoria (500) Shepherd (500) Mitoria Plus (504) Cardoia (612) Vine (500) Root (499) Gatherer (500) Caster (508) Ivy (500) Creeper (500)Machined Parts (0) Burn (500) Impeler (506) Pusher (501) Propulser (500) Ammunition (0) Guzzler (504)
Carbon114963553 5713 6043 616Purgatory (496) Broker (501) Financier (500) Calypso (449) Grave Robber (499) Distorter (500) Sirrus (502)Synthetics (428)
*** Equipment ***
Haven1 141501166314 440317 364319 647
Reaper1 13950077497 060501 682506 240
Collector713500257387 280390 881393 022
Shard9145008347 750350 984354 643
Harvester8784999167 230168 785170 543
Shepherd59850022175 390177 021178 817
Thorn57750039116 830117 916119 072
Cardoia5626121854 63055 13855 701
Warper4235004685 61086 40687 254
Caster3845082475 31076 01076 779
Financier3815006109 000110 013111 159
Distorter2775003227 23027 48327 761
Needle260500224 72024 94925 210
Liana2185001721 04021 23521 454
Rake210499339 97040 34140 763
Ivy1935001073 80074 48675 262
Mitoria Plus1685042516 47016 62316 792
Gatherer1565001014 88015 01815 175
Creeper1535001043 86044 26744 729
Sirrus129502 24 29024 51524 774
Grave Robber126499 23 76023 98024 233
Pod1164963111 56011 66711 784
Vine1135001021 62021 82122 049
Seed1095001310 32010 41510 525
BCU-QUAN105491 9 95010 04210 148
Purgatory100496 19 30019 47919 681
Mitoria96500229 4109 4979 594
Oracle9550029 0309 1139 209
Bender82502147 8107 8827 965
Root77499117 4307 4997 577
Calypso72449 6 9907 0557 128
Broker645011112 48012 59612 725
Witness57500 5 5005 5515 609

Quantar Core to Octavius Great Pillars:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Palladium5 4367915936 36936 70742 144RF Transceivers (0)
Laser Components4 04311 37 36037 70741 751Rake (499) Broker (501) Collector (500) Shard (500) Bender (502) Thorn (500) Financier (500) Vine (500) Reaper (500) Warper (500) Distorter (500) Needle (500)Duster (499) Illuminator (500) Lastlight (500) Calefactor (484)
Uranium4 1717024011 91012 02016 192Plutonium (51) Ammunition (0)
Erbium3 8949949426 58026 82730 722Optics (247)
Magnesium3 71511 33 34333 65337 369Seed (500)Summoner (500) Jar (500) Pint (502) Explosives (0) Duster (499) Jug (500) Tank (500) Carrier (500)
Vanadium3 6321527826 23026 47330 106Machined Parts (0) Flail (485)
Cobalt2 54544849 5309 61812 164Burn (500) Flail (485) Impeler (500) Pusher (502) Guzzler (500)
Chromium2 3859 9 4139 50011 886Shard (500)Machined Parts (0) Flail (485)
Phosphorous2 055449714 76914 90616 962Chemicals (0)
Barium2 0429634011 73911 84813 891Explosives (0)
Organic Foods975703 5 0135 0596 035
Copper24504214 1694 2074 232Liana (500) Harvester (499) Mitoria (500) Shepherd (500) Mitoria Plus (504) Cardoia (612) Vine (500) Root (499) Gatherer (500) Caster (508) Ivy (500) Creeper (500)Machined Parts (0) Burn (500) Impeler (500) Pusher (502) Propulser (500) Ammunition (0) Guzzler (500)
Carbon194964943 5713 6043 624Purgatory (496) Broker (501) Financier (500) Calypso (449) Grave Robber (499) Distorter (500) Sirrus (502)Chemicals (0)
*** Equipment ***
Haven1 281501129314 440317 364319 927
Collector1 34950012387 280390 881394 930
Reaper1 3155004497 060501 682506 943
Shard86950035347 750350 984354 462
Harvester8764999167 230168 785170 539
Shepherd60250020175 390177 021178 828
Thorn57950036116 830117 916119 075
Cardoia5626122054 63055 13855 701
Warper4285004085 61086 40687 264
Caster3885082075 31076 01076 787
Financier32750085109 000110 013110 996
Distorter2765003427 23027 48327 760
Needle2595001024 72024 94925 209
Liana2215001021 04021 23521 457
Rake2094991139 97040 34140 761
Ivy1935001073 80074 48675 260
Mitoria Plus1695042016 47016 62316 793
Gatherer1565001014 88015 01815 175
Creeper1535001143 86044 26744 728
Sirrus128502424 29024 51524 773
Pod121496711 56011 66711 789
Grave Robber1184994823 76023 98024 217
Vine1135001021 62021 82122 049
Seed1095001010 32010 41510 525
BCU-QUAN105491 9 95010 04210 148
Purgatory99496 19 30019 47919 678
Mitoria99500119 4109 4979 597
Oracle95500 9 0309 1139 209
Bender8250227 8107 8827 965
Root77499137 4307 4997 577
Calypso72449 6 9907 0557 128
Broker645011012 48012 59612 725
Witness57500 5 5005 5515 609

Quantar Core to Octavius Outpost:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Gold5 7082749530 60930 89336 602Sentinel (499) Sentry (523)
Laser Components3 8911142037 36037 70741 599Rake (499) Broker (501) Collector (500) Shard (500) Bender (502) Thorn (500) Financier (500) Vine (500) Reaper (500) Warper (500) Distorter (500) Needle (500)Duster (504) Illuminator (502) Lastlight (500) Calefactor (500) FeatherFire (380) Injustice (498)
Magnesium3 772114433 34333 65337 426Seed (500)Summoner (500) Jar (500) Pint (500) Explosives (0) Duster (504) Jug (499) Tank (495) Carrier (500)
Cobalt2 54444999 5309 61812 163Burn (504) Impeler (500) Pusher (500) FeatherFire (380) Barrak (141) Burn Mk II (500) Guzzler (504)
Molybdenum2 490234976 7106 7729 263Barrak (141)
Barium1 9849649911 73911 84813 833Explosives (0)
Organic Foods975703 5 0135 0596 035
Grain825400 2 5002 5233 349Quanus Ice (497)
Carbon34965203 5713 6043 608Purgatory (496) Broker (501) Financier (500) Calypso (449) Grave Robber (499) Distorter (500) Sirrus (502)Barrak (141)
*** Equipment ***
Haven1 160501148314 440317 364319 686
Collector1 3585009387 280390 881394 957
Reaper1 21550047497 060501 682506 546
Shard9165007347 750350 984354 650
Harvester87849911167 230168 785170 543
Shepherd60350020175 390177 021178 833
Cardoia5606122054 63055 13855 699
Thorn495500104116 830117 916118 907
Warper4235004685 61086 40687 254
Financier34750055109 000110 013111 056
Caster3315089475 31076 01076 673
Distorter2755004027 23027 48327 759
Needle2585001424 72024 94925 208
Liana2215001121 04021 23521 457
Rake209499939 97040 34140 761
Ivy1935001173 80074 48675 260
Mitoria Plus1695042016 47016 62316 793
Gatherer1565001014 88015 01815 175
Creeper1535001043 86044 26744 729
Sirrus129502 24 29024 51524 774
Grave Robber1234991623 76023 98024 227
Pod122496711 56011 66711 790
Vine1105002321 62021 82122 042
Seed1085001310 32010 41510 524
BCU-QUAN105491 9 95010 04210 148
Purgatory1014963519 30019 47919 682
Mitoria97500199 4109 4979 595
Oracle95500 9 0309 1139 209
Bender8250297 8107 8827 965
Root77499117 4307 4997 577
Calypso72449 6 9907 0557 128
Broker655011112 48012 59612 727
Witness5650035 5005 5515 608

Quantar Core to Octavius SDS:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Organic Foods975703 5 0135 0596 035
Grain825400 2 5002 5233 349Quanus Ice (497)
*** Equipment ***
Haven1 52350147314 440317 364320 412
Collector1 3555009387 280390 881394 949
Reaper1 20750049497 060501 682506 511
Shard90050017347 750350 984354 588
Harvester87849910167 230168 785170 542
Shepherd60250020175 390177 021178 828
Thorn60150021116 830117 916119 119
Cardoia5626122054 63055 13855 701
Warper4395002085 61086 40687 285
Caster3885082075 31076 01076 787
Financier311500107109 000110 013110 948
Distorter2785003027 23027 48327 762
Needle2595001224 72024 94925 209
Liana2215001021 04021 23521 457
Rake2094991039 97040 34140 761
Ivy1935001073 80074 48675 262
Mitoria Plus1695042016 47016 62316 793
Gatherer1565001014 88015 01815 175
Creeper1535001243 86044 26744 727
Sirrus129502 24 29024 51524 774
Pod1214961111 56011 66711 789
Grave Robber1104995823 76023 98024 202
Vine1135001021 62021 82122 049
Seed1085001310 32010 41510 524
BCU-QUAN10549119 95010 04210 148
Purgatory101496 19 30019 47919 683
Mitoria99500109 4109 4979 597
Oracle9550039 0309 1139 209
Bender80502217 8107 8827 963
Root77499107 4307 4997 577
Calypso72449 6 9907 0557 128
Broker595015312 48012 59612 716
Witness5750025 5005 5515 609

Quantar Core to Quantar Corridor:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Palladium5 43479 36 36936 70742 142RF Transceivers (0)
Laser Components4 06011 37 36037 70741 768Rake (499) Broker (501) Collector (500) Shard (500) Bender (502) Thorn (500) Financier (500) Vine (500) Reaper (500) Warper (500) Distorter (500) Needle (500)Broker (500) Banker (500) Financier MkII (500) DeepRadar (499) Vine (500) Reaper (499) Prospector (500) ML Amplifier (495)
Magnesium3 7191123533 34333 65337 373Seed (500)Synthetics (18) Seed (500) Fuel Cells (27)
Cobalt2 58141199 5309 61812 200Magnetics (0) Fuel Cells (27)
Molybdenum2 50123316 7106 7729 274Composites (0)
Phosphorous2 09548414 76914 90617 002Chemicals (38) Fuel Cells (27)
Organic Foods975703 5 0135 0596 035
Grain825400 2 5002 5233 349Quanus Ice (497)
Copper215042394 1694 2074 229Liana (500) Harvester (499) Mitoria (500) Shepherd (500) Mitoria Plus (504) Cardoia (612) Vine (500) Root (499) Gatherer (500) Caster (508) Ivy (500) Creeper (500)Liana (500) Mitoria (500) Shepherd (506) Power Converters (0) Mitoria Plus (500) Cardoia (506) Vine (500) Root (503) Gatherer (488) Ivy (501) Creeper (500)
Carbon20496983 5713 6043 625Purgatory (496) Broker (501) Financier (500) Calypso (449) Grave Robber (499) Distorter (500) Sirrus (502)Broker (500) Chemicals (38) Banker (500) Synthetics (18) Composites (0)
*** Equipment ***
Haven1 286501127314 440317 364319 938
Collector1 28750036387 280390 881394 743
Shard87450034347 750350 984354 482
Harvester80149956167 230168 785170 389
Thorn511500100116 830117 916118 939
Warper4035006585 61086 40687 214
Caster3615085375 31076 01076 733
Financier240500206109 000110 013110 736
Distorter2415009527 23027 48327 725
Needle2405004724 72024 94925 190
Rake2084991439 97040 34140 759
Sirrus1095027424 29024 51524 734
Grave Robber7549922223 76023 98024 131
Purgatory884964219 30019 47919 656
Bender76502367 8107 8827 959
Calypso444491616 9907 0557 100

Quantar Core to Quantar SDS:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Organic Foods975703 5 0135 0596 035
Grain825400 2 5002 5233 349Quanus Ice (497)
*** Equipment ***
Haven1 41350181314 440317 364320 191
Collector1 35550010387 280390 881394 949
Reaper695500255497 060501 682504 464
Shard90850011347 750350 984354 620
Harvester86049919167 230168 785170 507
Shepherd448500152175 390177 021178 366
Thorn396500186116 830117 916118 709
Cardoia34561222054 63055 13855 484
Warper4155005085 61086 40687 237
Caster3885082075 31076 01076 787
Financier35650038109 000110 013111 084
Needle2575001524 72024 94925 207
Distorter20950015027 23027 48327 693
Rake2094991239 97040 34140 761
Liana15250017721 04021 23521 388
Mitoria Plus1695042216 47016 62316 793
Ivy14750013773 80074 48675 076
Creeper1515001843 86044 26744 723
Gatherer1475005014 88015 01815 166
Pod1104966511 56011 66711 778
Grave Robber9649911223 76023 98024 174
Sirrus8850216324 29024 51524 692
Seed1045003010 32010 41510 520
Purgatory824965819 30019 47919 645
BCU-QUAN694911929 95010 04210 112
Bender82502137 8107 8827 965
Mitoria565002339 4109 4979 554
Root614991297 4307 4997 561
Broker645011212 48012 59612 726
Calypso344491826 9907 0557 090
Witness285002785 5005 5515 580

Quantar Core to Quantar TriPoint:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Gravitational Components6 316106259 86260 41866 735Mitoria (500) Shepherd (500) Mitoria Plus (504) Financier (500) Cardoia (612) Caster (508) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25)Mitoria (501) Shepherd (497) Mitoria Plus (500) Cardoia (504)
Erbium3 9829949326 58026 82730 810Optics (40)
Magnesium3 7921112133 34333 65337 446Seed (500)Spore (480) Keytso (408) Germ (498) Seed (501)
Vanadium3 585158726 23026 47330 059Hitman (235)
Molybdenum2 463234986 7106 7729 236Spitfire (398)
Organic Foods975703 5 0135 0596 035
Grain825400 2 5002 5233 349Quanus Ice (497)
Copper165044954 1694 2074 224Liana (500) Harvester (499) Mitoria (500) Shepherd (500) Mitoria Plus (504) Cardoia (612) Vine (500) Root (499) Gatherer (500) Caster (508) Ivy (500) Creeper (500)Liana (500) Spitfire (398) Mitoria (501) Shepherd (497) Mitoria Plus (500) Cardoia (504) Vine (500) Root (500) Gatherer (251) Ivy (501) Creeper (500)
Carbon154964993 5713 6043 620Purgatory (496) Broker (501) Financier (500) Calypso (449) Grave Robber (499) Distorter (500) Sirrus (502)Purgatory (500) Broker (501) Calypso (306) Grave Robber (671) Distorter (500) Sirrus (500)
*** Equipment ***
Haven1 159501158314 440317 364319 683
Collector1 26850045387 280390 881394 686
Harvester81049950167 230168 785170 406
Shard605500186347 750350 984353 408
Financier35550047109 000110 013111 081
Rake2094991239 97040 34140 760
Caster2850849475 31076 01076 068
Oracle775001009 0309 1139 191

Quantar Core to Solrain Core:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Gravitational Components6 2921061959 86260 41866 711Mitoria (500) Shepherd (500) Mitoria Plus (504) Financier (500) Cardoia (612) Caster (508) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25)Money (500) Travant (502) Respect (502) Travant Plus (500) BuildKit - 2 (25) Adventa (500) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25)
Gold5 6892744030 60930 89336 583Electronics (35)
Palladium5 42779936 36936 70742 135Chime (139) Doorbell (586) Electronics (35)
Laser Components4 09711 37 36037 70741 805Rake (499) Broker (501) Collector (500) Shard (500) Bender (502) Thorn (500) Financier (500) Vine (500) Reaper (500) Warper (500) Distorter (500) Needle (500)Excavator (479) Shark (498) Liar (500) Dealer (500) Deceptor (502)
Uranium4 1347033811 91012 02016 155Sport (499) Contender XL (499) Contender (494)
Vanadium3 5501523126 23026 47330 024Excavator (479) Machined Parts (24) Vantage (500)
Chromium2 3799 9 4139 50011 880Shard (500)Machined Parts (24)
Copper25504 4 1694 2074 233Liana (500) Harvester (499) Mitoria (500) Shepherd (500) Mitoria Plus (504) Cardoia (612) Vine (500) Root (499) Gatherer (500) Caster (508) Ivy (500) Creeper (500)Machined Parts (24) Electronics (35)
*** Equipment ***
Haven1 58850124314 440317 364320 542
Collector1 32150023387 280390 881394 845
Reaper1 29850014497 060501 682506 876
Shard86050040347 750350 984354 427
Harvester87549911167 230168 785170 536
Shepherd58450032175 390177 021178 776
Thorn57550044116 830117 916119 068
Cardoia5316123854 63055 13855 670
Warper4415002485 61086 40687 289
Caster3865082275 31076 01076 784
Financier34450054109 000110 013111 047
Distorter2655004927 23027 48327 749
Needle260500824 72024 94925 210
Liana2215001121 04021 23521 457
Rake210499539 97040 34140 763
Ivy1935001273 80074 48675 259
Mitoria Plus1575045816 47016 62316 781
Gatherer1565001014 88015 01815 175
Creeper1535001043 86044 26744 729
Sirrus129502 24 29024 51524 774
Grave Robber126499 23 76023 98024 233
Pod1214961011 56011 66711 789
Vine1135001021 62021 82122 049
Seed955006010 32010 41510 511
BCU-QUAN96491559 95010 04210 139
Purgatory94496 19 30019 47919 669
Mitoria96500129 4109 4979 594
Oracle9550019 0309 1139 209
Bender8250297 8107 8827 965
Root7749927 4307 4997 577
Calypso72449 6 9907 0557 128
Broker645011112 48012 59612 726
Witness57500 5 5005 5515 609

Quantar Core to Solrain Cornea:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Laser Components4 10411 37 36037 70741 812Rake (499) Broker (501) Collector (500) Shard (500) Bender (502) Thorn (500) Financier (500) Vine (500) Reaper (500) Warper (500) Distorter (500) Needle (500)Excavator (500) Shark (500) Liar (499) Dealer (500) Deceptor (502)
Uranium4 1527015211 91012 02016 173Sport (503) Contender XL (432) Contender (274) Sport Plus (482)
Magnesium3 6101136533 34333 65337 264Seed (500)Prayer (501) Mana (458) Lifeline (503) Mantra (500) Utterance (60)
Cobalt2 6334 9 5309 61812 252Magnetics (399)
Molybdenum2 508233966 7106 7729 281Composites (0)
Phosphorous2 110445814 76914 90617 017Chemicals (33)
Organic Foods1 041703 5 0135 0596 101
Grain949400 2 5002 5233 473Quanus Ice (497)Solrain Stout (324)
Copper235042224 1694 2074 231Liana (500) Harvester (499) Mitoria (500) Shepherd (500) Mitoria Plus (504) Cardoia (612) Vine (500) Root (499) Gatherer (500) Caster (508) Ivy (500) Creeper (500)Power Converters (0)
Carbon264964983 5713 6043 631Purgatory (496) Broker (501) Financier (500) Calypso (449) Grave Robber (499) Distorter (500) Sirrus (502)Chemicals (33) Composites (0)
*** Equipment ***
Collector1 3545009387 280390 881394 945
Haven981501221314 440317 364319 328
Reaper1 28150018497 060501 682506 809
Shard89250020347 750350 984354 556
Harvester8804996167 230168 785170 546
Shepherd60550016175 390177 021178 837
Thorn58850033116 830117 916119 094
Cardoia5526122954 63055 13855 691
Warper448500985 61086 40687 303
Caster3855082275 31076 01076 782
Financier35250050109 000110 013111 071
Distorter2865001027 23027 48327 770
Needle2565001824 72024 94925 206
Liana221500921 04021 23521 457
Rake2104991139 97040 34140 762
Ivy1935001173 80074 48675 260
Mitoria Plus1705041016 47016 62316 794
Gatherer1565001014 88015 01815 175
Creeper1535001043 86044 26744 729
Sirrus129502 24 29024 51524 774
Grave Robber124499523 76023 98024 230
Pod1214961011 56011 66711 789
Vine1135001121 62021 82122 048
Seed109500810 32010 41510 525
BCU-QUAN10549149 95010 04210 148
Purgatory100496 19 30019 47919 681
Mitoria96500249 4109 4979 594
Oracle95500 9 0309 1139 209
Bender8250227 8107 8827 965
Root77499117 4307 4997 577
Calypso72449 6 9907 0557 128
Broker65501 12 48012 59612 727
Witness5750025 5005 5515 609

Quantar Core to Solrain SDS:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Organic Foods975703 5 0135 0596 035
Grain825400 2 5002 5233 349Quanus Ice (497)
*** Equipment ***
Haven1 48350160314 440317 364320 332
Collector1 31450025387 280390 881394 825
Reaper1 30250011497 060501 682506 893
Shard90950012347 750350 984354 622
Harvester8784998167 230168 785170 543
Shepherd60850013175 390177 021178 846
Thorn59150024116 830117 916119 100
Cardoia5626122054 63055 13855 701
Warper4445001485 61086 40687 296
Caster3885081875 31076 01076 787
Financier35650043109 000110 013111 084
Distorter2855001127 23027 48327 769
Needle2595001024 72024 94925 209
Liana221500921 04021 23521 457
Rake210499839 97040 34140 762
Ivy1935001173 80074 48675 260
Mitoria Plus171504816 47016 62316 795
Gatherer1565001014 88015 01815 175
Creeper1535001043 86044 26744 729
Sirrus129502 24 29024 51524 774
Grave Robber125499 23 76023 98024 232
Pod1214961011 56011 66711 789
Vine1135001021 62021 82122 049
Seed1095001210 32010 41510 525
BCU-QUAN105491 9 95010 04210 148
Purgatory100496 19 30019 47919 681
Mitoria97500149 4109 4979 595
Oracle95500 9 0309 1139 209
Bender81502157 8107 8827 964
Root77499107 4307 4997 577
Calypso72449 6 9907 0557 128
Broker645011612 48012 59612 726
Witness57500 5 5005 5515 609

Quantar Core to Solrain Wake:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Palladium5 44579136 36936 70742 153Chime (493) Echo (500) RF Transceivers (2)
Laser Components4 042114737 36037 70741 750Rake (499) Broker (501) Collector (500) Shard (500) Bender (502) Thorn (500) Financier (500) Vine (500) Reaper (500) Warper (500) Distorter (500) Needle (500)Excavator (500) Shark (500) Liar (502) Dealer (500) Deceptor (498)
Uranium4 1827032211 91012 02016 203Sport LP (0) Sport (82) Contender XL (500) Contender XPR (4) Contender (502) Sport Plus (0)
Magnesium3 7101111533 34333 65337 364Seed (500)Prayer (500) Mana (500) Lifeline (476) Mantra (503) Utterance (2)
Molybdenum2 530234956 7106 7729 303Composites (36)
Chromium2 3379 9 4139 50011 838Shard (500)Landlord (496)
Organic Foods975703115 0135 0596 035
Grain949400 2 5002 5233 473Quanus Ice (497)Manufactured Foods (0)
Carbon234964663 5713 6043 628Purgatory (496) Broker (501) Financier (500) Calypso (449) Grave Robber (499) Distorter (500) Sirrus (502)Composites (36)
*** Equipment ***
Haven1 250501136314 440317 364319 866
Collector1 3665005387 280390 881394 980
Reaper1 23550035497 060501 682506 625
Shard9155008347 750350 984354 647
Harvester8814996167 230168 785170 549
Shepherd59950021175 390177 021178 820
Thorn54050074116 830117 916118 997
Cardoia5666121054 63055 13855 705
Warper3965007985 61086 40687 200
Caster3875081875 31076 01076 785
Financier36650034109 000110 013111 112
Distorter24850010027 23027 48327 732
Needle2605001024 72024 94925 210
Liana2215001121 04021 23521 457
Rake2094991239 97040 34140 760
Ivy193500873 80074 48675 262
Mitoria Plus1685042616 47016 62316 792
Gatherer1565001014 88015 01815 175
Creeper1535001043 86044 26744 729
Grave Robber126499 23 76023 98024 233
Sirrus1145024324 29024 51524 744
Pod1064966511 56011 66711 774
Vine1115001621 62021 82122 044
Seed109500710 32010 41510 525
BCU-QUAN101491199 95010 04210 144
Purgatory102496 19 30019 47919 684
Mitoria9750029 4109 4979 595
Oracle9550019 0309 1139 209
Bender82502137 8107 8827 965
Root7749967 4307 4997 577
Calypso7244986 9907 0557 128
Broker635011812 48012 59612 724
Witness5750015 5005 5515 609