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Profitable hauls from Quantar Corridor 2024-10-06 23:32:50 (Moscow)


Evening's End



Klatsches Hold

Lothar's Landing

Octavius Core

Octavius Great Pillars

Octavius Outpost

Octavius SDS

Quantar Core

Quantar SDS

Quantar TriPoint

Solrain Core

Solrain Cornea

Solrain SDS

Solrain Wake

Quantar Corridor to Amananth:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Gravitational Components6 37834959 80060 35666 735Mitoria (500) Shepherd (506) Financier MkII (500) DeepRadar (499) Mitoria Plus (500) Cardoia (506) Prospector (500)Whistle (499)
Synthetics4 29318 33 88034 19538 489Power Converters (0) Seed (500) Fuel Cells (27)Power Converters (0) Fiber Optics (48)
Erbium3 872452226 58026 82730 700Instigator (120)
*** Equipment ***
Reaper1 22149944497 060501 682506 567
DeepRadar8594993686 98087 78888 648
Shepherd59150628175 390177 021178 796
Cardoia5325064554 63055 13855 671
ML Amplifier4044951639 50039 86740 272
FuelScoop3325022833 10033 40733 740
Banker3045004562 44063 02063 630
Prospector30350037152 350153 766155 283
Financier MkII3005007172 120173 720175 525
Liana2195001021 04021 23521 455
Ivy1935011073 80074 48675 260
Mitoria Plus1695002216 47016 62316 793
Gatherer1564881014 88015 01815 175
Creeper1535001043 86044 26744 727
Pod1215001111 56011 66711 789
Vine1135001021 62021 82122 048
Seed1085001410 32010 41510 524
BCU-QUAN98502389 95010 04210 141
Mitoria98500159 4109 4979 596
Oracle95499 9 0309 1139 209
Root7750397 4307 4997 577
Broker645001012 48012 59612 726
Witness56496135 5005 5515 608

Quantar Corridor to Evening's End:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
*** Equipment ***
Reaper1 3274991497 060501 682506 992
DeepRadar916499786 98087 78888 705
Shepherd55950654175 390177 021178 699
Cardoia582506 54 63055 13855 721
ML Amplifier415495939 50039 86740 283
FuelScoop349502433 10033 40733 757
Banker3225001862 44063 02063 665
Prospector325500 152 350153 766155 396
Financier MkII3045005172 120173 720175 546
Liana2195001521 04021 23521 455
Ivy197501173 80074 48675 275
Mitoria Plus1705001816 47016 62316 794
Gatherer157488 14 88015 01815 176
Creeper1525001543 86044 26744 725
Pod122500 11 56011 66711 790
Vine114500 21 62021 82122 051
Seed109500 10 32010 41510 525
BCU-QUAN102502159 95010 04210 145
Mitoria99500 9 4109 4979 597
Oracle9549939 0309 1139 209
Root77503 7 4307 4997 577
Broker65500 12 48012 59612 728
Witness57496145 5005 5515 609

Quantar Corridor to GBS:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
*** Equipment ***
Reaper1 19749954497 060501 682506 474
DeepRadar919499486 98087 78888 708
Shepherd53050681175 390177 021178 612
Cardoia5555062654 63055 13855 694
ML Amplifier415495639 50039 86740 283
FuelScoop3295023233 10033 40733 737
Banker3225001662 44063 02063 665
Prospector30350036152 350153 766155 286
Financier MkII27050064172 120173 720175 343
Liana2125003921 04021 23521 448
Ivy197501 73 80074 48675 275
Mitoria Plus174500 16 47016 62316 798
Gatherer157488 14 88015 01815 176
Creeper156500243 86044 26744 736
Pod122500 11 56011 66711 790
Vine114500 21 62021 82122 051
Seed1045002510 32010 41510 520
BCU-QUAN102502219 95010 04210 145
Mitoria99500 9 4109 4979 597
Oracle86499559 0309 1139 200
Root7750327 4307 4997 577
Broker65500 12 48012 59612 728
Witness54496405 5005 5515 606

Quantar Corridor to Hyperial:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Fuel Cells5 8152710157 32057 85363 669Gatherer (488)Rush (500) Dream (500) ScrewDriver (280) Hatchet (451) Morning Star (492)
Synthetics4 33418 33 88034 19538 530Power Converters (0) Seed (500) Fuel Cells (27)TRIC-1 (500) TRIP-1 (436)
Uranium4 12015844611 90912 01916 140TRIP-1 (436) Serializer (500) Nova Mk. I (503)
*** Equipment ***
Reaper1 324499 497 060501 682506 979
DeepRadar897499 86 98087 78888 686
Shepherd624506 175 390177 021178 896
Cardoia582506 54 63055 13855 721
ML Amplifier407495239 50039 86740 275
FuelScoop350502233 10033 40733 758
Banker333500462 44063 02063 687
Prospector325500 152 350153 766155 396
Financier MkII3065001172 120173 720175 560
Liana223500 21 04021 23521 459
Ivy197501 73 80074 48675 275
Mitoria Plus174500 16 47016 62316 798
Gatherer157488 14 88015 01815 176
Creeper156500 43 86044 26744 736
Pod122500 11 56011 66711 790
Vine114500 21 62021 82122 051
Seed109500 10 32010 41510 525
BCU-QUAN105502 9 95010 04210 148
Mitoria99500 9 4109 4979 597
Oracle9549919 0309 1139 209
Root77503 7 4307 4997 577
Broker65500112 48012 59612 728
Witness57496 5 5005 5515 609

Quantar Corridor to Klatsches Hold:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
*** Equipment ***
Reaper1 3054999497 060501 682506 904
DeepRadar9024991786 98087 78888 691
Shepherd6145068175 390177 021178 865
Cardoia578506654 63055 13855 717
ML Amplifier4114951439 50039 86740 279
FuelScoop3345023033 10033 40733 742
Banker3225001762 44063 02063 665
Financier MkII3035006172 120173 720175 542
Prospector26850094152 350153 766155 111
Liana223500 21 04021 23521 459
Ivy197501173 80074 48675 275
Mitoria Plus174500 16 47016 62316 798
Gatherer157488214 88015 01815 176
Creeper156500143 86044 26744 736
Pod122500 11 56011 66711 790
Vine1115002021 62021 82122 044
Seed1055001710 32010 41510 521
BCU-QUAN10450229 95010 04210 147
Mitoria99500 9 4109 4979 597
Oracle95499 9 0309 1139 209
Root77503 7 4307 4997 577
Broker65500412 48012 59612 728
Witness5649615 5005 5515 608

Quantar Corridor to Lothar's Landing:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
*** Equipment ***
Reaper1 3174995497 060501 682506 952
DeepRadar8374995986 98087 78888 626
Shepherd624506 175 390177 021178 896
Cardoia582506 54 63055 13855 721
ML Amplifier3894954939 50039 86740 257
FuelScoop3425022133 10033 40733 750
Banker3235001862 44063 02063 667
Prospector3245002152 350153 766155 389
Financier MkII3045005172 120173 720175 546
Liana223500 21 04021 23521 459
Ivy197501 73 80074 48675 275
Mitoria Plus174500 16 47016 62316 798
Gatherer157488 14 88015 01815 176
Creeper156500 43 86044 26744 736
Pod122500111 56011 66711 790
Vine114500 21 62021 82122 051
Seed109500 10 32010 41510 525
Mitoria9950019 4109 4979 597
Oracle9549969 0309 1139 209
Root77503 7 4307 4997 577
Broker65500 12 48012 59612 728
BCU-QUAN265024079 95010 04210 069
Witness57496155 5005 5515 609

Quantar Corridor to Octavius Core:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Gravitational Components6 210314059 80060 35666 567Mitoria (500) Shepherd (506) Financier MkII (500) DeepRadar (499) Mitoria Plus (500) Cardoia (506) Prospector (500)Burn (500) Impeler (506) Pusher (501) Propulser (500) BuildKit - 2 (25) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25) Guzzler (504)
Fuel Cells5 6022724257 32057 85363 456Gatherer (488)Sledge (491) Stinger (450) Stiletto (502) Maul (399) Smacker (498) Lance (500)
Uranium4 19515831411 90912 01916 215Ammunition (0)
Chemicals1 9423819914 29014 42216 365Synthetics (18) Seed (500)Summoner (500) Jar (500) Synthetics (444) Jug (500) Tank (500) Carrier (500)
*** Equipment ***
Reaper1 13949977497 060501 682506 240
DeepRadar8924991986 98087 78888 681
Shepherd59850622175 390177 021178 817
Cardoia5625061854 63055 13855 701
ML Amplifier4014952039 50039 86740 269
FuelScoop3355023033 10033 40733 743
Banker3215001662 44063 02063 663
Prospector29950045152 350153 766155 265
Financier MkII306500 172 120173 720175 561
Liana2185001721 04021 23521 454
Ivy1935011073 80074 48675 262
Mitoria Plus1685002516 47016 62316 792
Gatherer1564881014 88015 01815 175
Creeper1535001043 86044 26744 729
Pod1165003111 56011 66711 784
Vine1135001021 62021 82122 049
Seed1095001310 32010 41510 525
BCU-QUAN105502 9 95010 04210 148
Mitoria96500229 4109 4979 594
Oracle9549929 0309 1139 209
Root77503117 4307 4997 577
Broker645001112 48012 59612 725
Witness57496 5 5005 5515 609

Quantar Corridor to Octavius Great Pillars:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Fuel Cells5 82627 57 32057 85363 680Gatherer (488)Sledge (394) Stinger (408) Stiletto (396) Smacker (495) Lance (436)
Synthetics4 28318 33 88034 19538 479Power Converters (0) Seed (500) Fuel Cells (27)Summoner (500) Centerfuge Mk. I (501) Jar (500) Pint (502) Plutonium (51) Centerfuge Mk. III (500) Jug (500) Centerfuge Mk. II (498) Centerfuge Mk. IV (500) Tank (500) Carrier (500)
Uranium4 17215824011 90912 01916 192Plutonium (51) Ammunition (0)
Erbium3 894449426 58026 82730 722Optics (247)
Barium2 042934011 73911 84813 891Explosives (0)
*** Equipment ***
Reaper1 3154994497 060501 682506 943
DeepRadar8944992286 98087 78888 683
Shepherd60250620175 390177 021178 828
Cardoia5625062054 63055 13855 701
ML Amplifier4074951739 50039 86740 275
FuelScoop3435021633 10033 40733 751
Prospector31650017152 350153 766155 348
Banker2895007362 44063 02063 600
Financier MkII306500 172 120173 720175 561
Liana2215001021 04021 23521 457
Ivy1935011073 80074 48675 260
Mitoria Plus1695002016 47016 62316 793
Gatherer1564881014 88015 01815 175
Creeper1535001143 86044 26744 728
Pod121500711 56011 66711 789
Vine1135001021 62021 82122 049
Seed1095001010 32010 41510 525
BCU-QUAN105502 9 95010 04210 148
Mitoria99500119 4109 4979 597
Oracle95499 9 0309 1139 209
Root77503137 4307 4997 577
Broker645001012 48012 59612 725
Witness57496 5 5005 5515 609

Quantar Corridor to Octavius Outpost:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Fuel Cells5 6732722757 32057 85363 527Gatherer (488)Sledge (474) Stinger (55) Stiletto (312) Smacker (500) HellRazor (284) Lance (411)
Synthetics4 293185433 88034 19538 489Power Converters (0) Seed (500) Fuel Cells (27)Summoner (500) Centerfuge Mk. I (499) Jar (500) Pint (500) Centerfuge Mk. III (501) Jug (499) Centerfuge Mk. II (501) Centerfuge Mk. IV (504) Tank (495) Carrier (500)
Xenon3 021149720 00020 18623 207FeatherFire (380)
Chemicals1 97538 14 29014 42216 398Synthetics (18) Seed (500)Summoner (500) Jar (500) Pint (500) Explosives (0) Jug (499) Tank (495) Carrier (500)
Barium1 984949911 73911 84813 833Explosives (0)
*** Equipment ***
Reaper1 21549947497 060501 682506 546
DeepRadar7944997386 98087 78888 583
Shepherd60350620175 390177 021178 833
Cardoia5605062054 63055 13855 699
ML Amplifier3694955939 50039 86740 237
FuelScoop351502 33 10033 40733 759
Banker3025004562 44063 02063 626
Prospector29550038152 350153 766155 245
Financier MkII30050012172 120173 720175 522
Liana2215001121 04021 23521 457
Ivy1935011173 80074 48675 260
Mitoria Plus1695002016 47016 62316 793
Gatherer1564881014 88015 01815 175
Creeper1535001043 86044 26744 729
Pod122500711 56011 66711 790
Vine1105002321 62021 82122 042
Seed1085001310 32010 41510 524
BCU-QUAN105502 9 95010 04210 148
Mitoria97500199 4109 4979 595
Oracle95499 9 0309 1139 209
Root77503117 4307 4997 577
Broker655001112 48012 59612 727
Witness5649635 5005 5515 608

Quantar Corridor to Octavius SDS:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
*** Equipment ***
Reaper1 20749949497 060501 682506 511
DeepRadar925499486 98087 78888 714
Shepherd60250620175 390177 021178 828
Cardoia5625062054 63055 13855 701
ML Amplifier4134951039 50039 86740 281
FuelScoop3235024833 10033 40733 731
Banker3135003362 44063 02063 647
Prospector30850030152 350153 766155 309
Financier MkII3035005172 120173 720175 544
Liana2215001021 04021 23521 457
Ivy1935011073 80074 48675 262
Mitoria Plus1695002016 47016 62316 793
Gatherer1564881014 88015 01815 175
Creeper1535001243 86044 26744 727
Pod1215001111 56011 66711 789
Vine1135001021 62021 82122 049
Seed1085001310 32010 41510 524
BCU-QUAN10550219 95010 04210 148
Mitoria99500109 4109 4979 597
Oracle9549939 0309 1139 209
Root77503107 4307 4997 577
Broker595005312 48012 59612 716
Witness5749625 5005 5515 609

Quantar Corridor to Quantar Core:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Fuel Cells5 5112721657 32057 85363 365Gatherer (488)Purgatory (496) Harvester (499) Calypso (449) Grave Robber (499) Gatherer (500) Sirrus (502)
Synthetics4 33118 33 88034 19538 527Power Converters (0) Seed (500) Fuel Cells (27)Market Warehouse (25) Refueling Tank (25) Repair Shop (25) Ship Hangar (25) Ammunition Shop (25) BuildKit - 2 (25) Seed (500) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25) Ore Silo (25) Storage Warehouse (25)
Xenon2 993144120 00020 18623 179Laser Components (11)
*** Equipment ***
DeepRadar15449943586 98087 78887 943
Prospector252500121152 350153 766155 027
Banker15450027962 44063 02063 329
ML Amplifier7349541339 50039 86739 941
FuelScoop3350248433 10033 40733 441
Financier MkII24500486172 120173 720173 869

Quantar Corridor to Quantar SDS:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
*** Equipment ***
Reaper695499255497 060501 682504 464
DeepRadar68649913986 98087 78888 475
Shepherd448506152175 390177 021178 366
Cardoia34550622054 63055 13855 484
ML Amplifier27249518739 50039 86740 140
FuelScoop27750211533 10033 40733 685
Prospector28250072152 350153 766155 179
Banker24350014962 44063 02063 508
Financier MkII228500136172 120173 720175 094
Liana15250017721 04021 23521 388
Mitoria Plus1695002216 47016 62316 793
Ivy14750113773 80074 48675 076
Creeper1515001843 86044 26744 723
Gatherer1474885014 88015 01815 166
Pod1105006511 56011 66711 778
Seed1045003010 32010 41510 520
BCU-QUAN695021929 95010 04210 112
Mitoria565002339 4109 4979 554
Root615031297 4307 4997 561
Broker645001212 48012 59612 726
Witness284962785 5005 5515 580

Quantar Corridor to Quantar TriPoint:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Gravitational Components6 3783259 80060 35666 735Mitoria (500) Shepherd (506) Financier MkII (500) DeepRadar (499) Mitoria Plus (500) Cardoia (506) Prospector (500)Mitoria (501) Shepherd (497) Mitoria Plus (500) Cardoia (504)
Fuel Cells5 3632742757 32057 85363 217Gatherer (488)Purgatory (500) Calypso (306) Grave Robber (671) Gatherer (251) Sirrus (500)
Synthetics4 33118 33 88034 19538 527Power Converters (0) Seed (500) Fuel Cells (27)Spore (480) Fiber Optics (0) Keytso (408) Germ (498) Seed (501)
Erbium3 982449326 58026 82730 810Optics (40)
Xenon3 011149520 00020 18623 197Spitfire (398) Laser Components (3)
Chemicals1 96238 14 29014 42216 385Synthetics (18) Seed (500)Spore (480) Keytso (408) Germ (498) Seed (501)
*** Equipment ***
DeepRadar6649949486 98087 78887 855
FuelScoop27550212033 10033 40733 683
Prospector29850045152 350153 766155 257
Banker25450012762 44063 02063 529
ML Amplifier2949549939 50039 86739 897
Financier MkII90500378172 120173 720174 263
Oracle774991009 0309 1139 191

Quantar Corridor to Solrain Core:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Gravitational Components6 35431959 80060 35666 711Mitoria (500) Shepherd (506) Financier MkII (500) DeepRadar (499) Mitoria Plus (500) Cardoia (506) Prospector (500)Money (500) Travant (502) Respect (502) Travant Plus (500) BuildKit - 2 (25) Adventa (500) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25)
Fuel Cells5 7682713057 32057 85363 622Gatherer (488)Long Sword (500) Spear (500) Cutlass (337) Rapier (500) Kataka (500)
Iridium4 63249548714 19214 32318 956Financier MkII (500) Prospector (500)Alpaa (305) Mortar (500)
Synthetics4 298181833 88034 19538 494Power Converters (0) Seed (500) Fuel Cells (27)Prayer (500) Market Warehouse (25) Refueling Tank (25) Mana (500) Repair Shop (25) Sport (499) Ship Hangar (25) Contender XL (499) Contender (494) Ammunition Shop (25) Lifeline (500) Electronics (35) BuildKit - 2 (25) Mantra (500) BuildKit - 4 (25) BuildKit - 8 (25) Ore Silo (25) Storage Warehouse (25)
Uranium4 13515833811 90912 01916 155Sport (499) Contender XL (499) Contender (494)
*** Equipment ***
Reaper1 29849914497 060501 682506 876
DeepRadar8904991886 98087 78888 679
Shepherd58450632175 390177 021178 776
Cardoia5315063854 63055 13855 670
ML Amplifier410495939 50039 86740 278
FuelScoop3415021533 10033 40733 749
Prospector31750014152 350153 766155 355
Banker2895006162 44063 02063 600
Financier MkII27250060172 120173 720175 354
Liana2215001121 04021 23521 457
Ivy1935011273 80074 48675 259
Mitoria Plus1575005816 47016 62316 781
Gatherer1564881014 88015 01815 175
Creeper1535001043 86044 26744 729
Pod1215001011 56011 66711 789
Vine1135001021 62021 82122 049
Seed955006010 32010 41510 511
BCU-QUAN96502559 95010 04210 139
Mitoria96500129 4109 4979 594
Oracle9549919 0309 1139 209
Root7750327 4307 4997 577
Broker645001112 48012 59612 726
Witness57496 5 5005 5515 609

Quantar Corridor to Solrain Cornea:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Fuel Cells5 5952720557 32057 85363 449Gatherer (488)Long Sword (497) Spear (494) Cutlass (276) Rapier (476) Kataka (496)
Iridium4 68749549814 19214 32319 011Financier MkII (500) Prospector (500)Alpaa (49) Mortar (500)
Synthetics4 37018 33 88034 19538 566Power Converters (0) Seed (500) Fuel Cells (27)Prayer (501) Mana (458) Sport (503) Contender XL (432) Power Converters (0) Contender (274) Sport Plus (482) Lifeline (503) Mantra (500) Utterance (60)
Uranium4 15315815211 90912 01916 173Sport (503) Contender XL (432) Contender (274) Sport Plus (482)
*** Equipment ***
Reaper1 28149918497 060501 682506 809
DeepRadar9134991186 98087 78888 702
Shepherd60550616175 390177 021178 837
Cardoia5525062954 63055 13855 691
ML Amplifier4064951539 50039 86740 274
FuelScoop3355023033 10033 40733 743
Prospector3215007152 350153 766155 376
Banker3115003262 44063 02063 644
Financier MkII28750034172 120173 720175 446
Liana221500921 04021 23521 457
Ivy1935011173 80074 48675 260
Mitoria Plus1705001016 47016 62316 794
Gatherer1564881014 88015 01815 175
Creeper1535001043 86044 26744 729
Pod1215001011 56011 66711 789
Vine1135001121 62021 82122 048
Seed109500810 32010 41510 525
BCU-QUAN10550249 95010 04210 148
Mitoria96500249 4109 4979 594
Oracle95499 9 0309 1139 209
Root77503117 4307 4997 577
Broker65500 12 48012 59612 727
Witness5749625 5005 5515 609

Quantar Corridor to Solrain SDS:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
*** Equipment ***
Reaper1 30249911497 060501 682506 893
DeepRadar918499486 98087 78888 707
Shepherd60850613175 390177 021178 846
Cardoia5625062054 63055 13855 701
ML Amplifier420495239 50039 86740 288
FuelScoop3455021033 10033 40733 753
Banker3195001562 44063 02063 660
Prospector3235004152 350153 766155 385
Financier MkII3025007172 120173 720175 534
Liana221500921 04021 23521 457
Ivy1935011173 80074 48675 260
Mitoria Plus171500816 47016 62316 795
Gatherer1564881014 88015 01815 175
Creeper1535001043 86044 26744 729
Pod1215001011 56011 66711 789
Vine1135001021 62021 82122 049
Seed1095001210 32010 41510 525
BCU-QUAN105502 9 95010 04210 148
Mitoria97500149 4109 4979 595
Oracle95499 9 0309 1139 209
Root77503107 4307 4997 577
Broker645001612 48012 59612 726
Witness57496 5 5005 5515 609

Quantar Corridor to Solrain Wake:

ItemEst. profit
per slot
at dest
Local buy
Price w/tax
at dest
Makes locallyMakes at destination
Fuel Cells5 6262718257 32057 85363 480Gatherer (488)Long Sword (474) Spear (497) Cutlass (169) Rapier (348) Kataka (460)
Iridium4 66849549014 19214 32318 992Financier MkII (500) Prospector (500)Alpaa (67) Mortar (254)
Synthetics4 37318 33 88034 19538 569Power Converters (0) Seed (500) Fuel Cells (27)Prayer (500) Sport LP (0) Mana (500) Sport (82) Contender XL (500) Contender XPR (4) Contender (502) Fiber Optics (0) Sport Plus (0) Lifeline (476) Mantra (503) Utterance (2)
Uranium4 18315832211 90912 01916 203Sport LP (0) Sport (82) Contender XL (500) Contender XPR (4) Contender (502) Sport Plus (0)
Chemicals1 94638314 29014 42216 369Synthetics (18) Seed (500)Prayer (500) Mana (500) Manufactured Foods (0) Lifeline (476) Mantra (503) Utterance (2)
*** Equipment ***
Reaper1 23549935497 060501 682506 625
DeepRadar9034991286 98087 78888 692
Shepherd59950621175 390177 021178 820
Cardoia5665061054 63055 13855 705
ML Amplifier32649512539 50039 86740 194
FuelScoop3155025333 10033 40733 723
Banker2925006562 44063 02063 606
Financier MkII29750013172 120173 720175 506
Prospector27550082152 350153 766155 146
Liana2215001121 04021 23521 457
Ivy193501873 80074 48675 262
Mitoria Plus1685002616 47016 62316 792
Gatherer1564881014 88015 01815 175
Creeper1535001043 86044 26744 729
Pod1065006511 56011 66711 774
Vine1115001621 62021 82122 044
Seed109500710 32010 41510 525
BCU-QUAN101502199 95010 04210 144
Mitoria9750029 4109 4979 595
Oracle9549919 0309 1139 209
Root7750367 4307 4997 577
Broker635001812 48012 59612 724
Witness5749615 5005 5515 609